About this site


This site was built to serve God - by serving the Church in Australia.

My prayer for this website is that every individual and family, while in lockdown or isolation, will connect to a local church body - so they can worship our Lord, fellowship with believers, and be equipped to serve Him; and that this connection will lead to an even stronger relationship with Jesus Christ.

The information on this website is provided based on the best available data but may be incorrect or out of date. Please contact your local church for up-to-date information about their services.

Any group that identifies as a Christian church in Australia may request addition to this directory. The curator reserves the right to modify or remove any entry for any reason.

The listing of any particular church does not imply any endorsement of that church. You are strongly encouraged to examine the beliefs and policy position of a church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit before committing yourself to its teaching.

Jeffrey Kemp, curator



  • Do you know a church that is offering online services?

    Click "Add a Livestream" to submit an addition to the directory.

  • Notice an error?

    Please email me with the details. I will check the updated details against those published on the church's public web site and update as appropriate.

  • Need your entry removed?

    If your church is no longer offering online services (that's ok!) please email me. If needed, please update your church's public website first.

    If you do not wish your church to be listed for any reason, please email me. Disclaimer: if after making reasonable attempts I am unable to determine the authenticity of the request, I may have to ignore it.

  • Help spread the word!

    Share the link australianchurches.live to help get the word out to anyone who might be looking for a church to call home.

Please help connect communities to their local church by spreading the word about this site. Thank you!



  • This church has multiple livestreams. Should we submit multiple entries?

    If the livestreams have different URLs (link addresses) for different localities (e.g. there are multiple campuses), or if they serve different languages, then please submit a separate entry for each.

    If the livestreams are for the same language, and have a single landing page (single URL to go to) with a variety of streaming times, then please submit a single entry with the times listed under "Streaming Times" (e.g. "Sunday 10am and 5pm").

  • This church has multiple campuses under the one name; but with separate livestreams for each location. What do we put under "Church Name"?

    Multiple entries may be submitted for the same church name. Put the locality (e.g. suburbs) into the "Locality" field on each entry. Note that people will also be able to find your entry based on your address (by keyword search or on the map).

    The directory will automatically show enough information to allow visitors to differentiate and choose the one that most suits them.

  • I'm not sure!

    Don't worry - enter what details you have as best you can. I will review them, and seek clarification if there is any confusion.


  • Livestreams Published 690
  • Last 24 Hrs 0
  • Awaiting Review 1